Saturday, March 29, 2008


my aunt carol walked out on my uncle joe this morning. like, he came back from a run or something and she had her bags packed and told him she was leaving. that it wasn't another guy, but that she was just unhappy, and after 25 years, apparently it had come to fruition.

how does this make any sense? you know? they were always the couple that my parents would use as examples of how it was possible to go to med school and be a doctor and still have a spouse and a family, that you just had to find someone with some of their own interests and who wouldn't wait around. apparently carol took that to the extreme.

it's not okay. marriage is for effing forever.

what the hell.

-closes eyes-

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Oh Em. I'm so sorry.

That's my biggest fear, that happening. And you're right - it's not okay. Marriage is for effing forever.

I don't know why people think it's okay to just quit when they get tired of it, when they get fed up. People forget why they were in love in the first place - that this person you pledged your whole life, your whole being to is the person who makes you complete in this life. How could you think you could survive without them?

I'm sorry.