Monday, September 1, 2008

la vie

I haven't been here in a while. I miss it.

I read an incredible book the other day. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

"Touching him was always so important to me. It was something I lived for. I could never explain why. Little, nothing touches. My fingers against his shoulder. The outside of our thighs touching as we squeezed together on the bus. I couldn't explain it, but I needed it. Sometimes I imagined stitching all of our little touches together. How many hundreds of thousands of fingers brushing against each other does it take to make love?" (181).

"There are more places you haven't heard of than you've heard of!" (154).

"We stopped laughing. I took the world into me, rearranged it, and sent it back out as a question: "do you like me?" (116).

"Humans are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war, and kisses with lips. So, in a way, the more you kiss with lips, the more human you are" (99).

this book is incredible.

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