Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"and I hate that when I say I don't care, I really, really do."

Trying to make yourself not care
is a constant battle with thorned roses.
Isn't that what Seal was getting at?

I may not be able to prove it, but I can
the opposite ( 2+2 does not equal 19, 24, 3, 90, 11,
or 7).

I can't prove that I like you. But
I can disprove that I don't.

i can't prove that you think about me still
but I know that I still shiver when
I remember us dancing (misogynist music isn't usually fuel for love)
and that when I close my eyes
I remember nestling my head into your shoulder,
smiling when you told me not to worry
and shaking excess rainwater from my hair into your lap.

I can't prove that you remember
but I can disprove that you forgot.
--18 april 07

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