Saturday, April 19, 2008

last night, josh took me to a club meeting for a division of young life called capernaum. it's basically young life, but for kids with disabilities. it was, honestly, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. like... it was dancing and watching high school kids with down's and autism and probably a bunch of different things singing along to open mike night and dancing around in a circle and... it was ridiculously fun. and at the end, there was a message, which andy, the leader, gave. And he looked at a couple of the kids and said, josh, did you know that you're fearfully and wonderfully made? and stephanie, did you know that you're made in God's image?

and she looked at him and said, "really?"

and I realized that this is where God is. and I am absolutely in love with what He does, and who he loves.

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