Monday, January 21, 2008

making the first move (breakdown)

30% of the first move is the intention.
23.4% is that tug in your heart
that says you really mean it this time.
5% is the voice in your head that says not to, not yet.
the fear he won't fall winning over.
8% beats the 5, telling you that he wouldn't have held
your glance for that long without meaning
something, right?
10% is doubt.
11.6% is when your heart skips a beat
as you lean over so that your cheeks so nearly touch
it's painful (4.15% is that heat between your cheeks
in the air that is very nearly not-air).
6.85% is that last breath you take
before he takes the last 1% of initiative
and touches your lips with his

and suddenly, the world is silent.
and percentages fade away.
and complete sentences drop into pieces.
and you're so glad, at the end
that he took the 1%

because he thinks he did it all
and you can't believe how long you waited.

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