Thursday, June 12, 2008

tango instruction

in america, we hide from eye contact.
(a common recognition of a shared

we crunch over our
laptops, newspapers, textbooks, solitude
and hope we won't be bothered
by someone asking for the time
or smiling.

over there, they recognize
more than the humanity in it.

they see an invitation,
not unlike a beggar does in the eyes of the
20 year old boy who seems interested
and buys him a sandwich.
they see loose morals, short skirts,
unbuttoned shirts in their future.

we take prodding. we don't assume. we are blunt.
"do you want to come back to my apartment?"
they are opportunistic. they infer. they hope for an opening.
"do you have the time?"
both end in sex. hopefully.

no wonder men and women separate
polar opposites, a magnet.
I step to the side to avoid
bumped shoulders, arms, hips
(contact is electric).
I avert my eyes so you can't see into my soul
(if you were wondering, it's screaming to get out).

you step forward, I step back.

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