Saturday, June 28, 2008


I open my eyes in the dark and see stars on the ceiling
not plastic, like ithaca
but glowing in the cerulean night,
innumerable, like secrets between those couples
that can eat a meal together and never say a word.

scratchy blankets, camel spiders, his steady breathing
background to the sky
(a silence so loud it drowns out my thoughts).

(It's a silence not like theirs; the stars are so loud
I've lost what to say).

And where would my hand be but wrapped among yours?

and so we experience together
(senescence in duality)
like they always warned me not to.
(if I throw caution to the win,
they said I'd get too attached.)

but on the precipice, there's no one I'd rather
stand beside.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

You're really really cool.

You'd better never lose touch with me or I will hunt you down and be angry.
